Gyalton Rinpoche in Palpung Europe July 2018

Gyalton Rinpoche will visit Palpung Europe July 17 – 19, in our City Institute Purkersdorf.

Gyalton Rinpoche is one of the incarnated lamas of Palpung Sherab Ling Monastic Seat. Gyalton Rinpoche is an incarnation of the religious head of Chungpo monastery in Kham, Tibet. The previous incarnation, Urgyen Jigme Chokyi Senghe, was born in Chungpo Gyalton valley in 1908. From an early age on he persuaded studies of Tibetan Buddhism, reading and writing. He was one of the principal disciples of The 11th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche, Pema Wangchug Gyalpo and… more

The fixed donation is 108 Euro for all 3 sessions. If you wish to only attend the empowerment, the fixed donation is 40 Euro.

It is advisable to attend all four dates whilst it is also possible to attend single teachings.

If this is your first visit it is always helpful to read our etiquette guidelines.

Kids of any age are always welcome in our houses.

Order of registrations counts.

You cannot stay overnight in the center.
We are happy to inform you of room options nearby. Feel free to contact us.

No pre-knowlegde or prerequisite required
For practitioners as well as newcomers

Please come to the house 30 mins prior to teaching.

19:00 hrs Four thoughts that turn the mind to the dharma
19:00 hrs Four thoughts that turn the mind to the dharma
19:00 hrs Chenräzig Empowerment

Rinpoche kindly agreed to additionally give the lung of Dagpo Thargyen. If you consider to take part in it, please  contact the office for details.