Palpung Europe News April 2016

Palpung Europe News April 2016
Pilgrimage to india – Sacred Mahamudra Transmission

Chöje Lama Palmo led us to India in order to receive Mahamudra Ngedon Gyathso, a step by step practice transmission by The 9th Gyalwang Karmapa, Wangchug Dorje, from Guru Vajradhara Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa. Her students took a 6 year committment of practice and to return to India once a year to receive further instructions on the path to Mahamudra. As usual, Chöje Lama Palmo led us to different places of pilgrimage where we joined in prayer and made offerings.

On the road


Bodhgaya Stupa

Mahamudra transmission from Guru Vajradhara